Expert technical support when you need it.

Fast and Friendly

Support when you need it the most. Our subscriptions give you fast and friendly technical support for your new site. Fully based in the UK.
Support: A blue life buoy surrounded by purple bubbles.

What is technical support?

At VOVO, we understand that a successful online presence is built on a foundation of reliable technical support. Our dedicated team is here to ensure that your website not only meets but exceeds your expectations, providing a seamless and hassle-free experience for you and your visitors.

Starting your online journey without the right support can be difficult. We can provide you with the knowledge and tools to optimise your online presence, and help you out when you feel stuck.

Do I really need Technical Support?

Imagine your website as your digital storefront, always open for business. Now imagine trying to run that store while simultaneously fixing the plumbing, updating the security system, and crafting new displays – all while chasing sales. Sounds overwhelming, right? That’s where website technical support packages come in. They’re like reliable assistants, taking care of the technical headaches so you can focus on what matters: your business. They keep your site secure, fast, and performing its best, handling updates, fixing bugs, and answering your questions. It’s like having a digital guardian watching over your online home, freeing you to do what you do best – shine with your amazing services or products. So step away from the tech toolbox and let a technical support package handle the behind-the-scenes magic, leaving you to focus on building your brilliant vision.

You should go VOVO.


We believe in transparent communication, keeping you in the loop at every stage of development or issue resolution.


We understand that every business is unique. Our technical support services are tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of your website.


Our team comprises seasoned professionals with a track record of delivering successful projects and resolving complex issues.


Hour to support you around the clock.


Of support requests are resolved within 2 hours of them being investigated.


Satisfaction rate.

Our Technical Support Process

Super Simple



Before we fully get you onboard we’ll want to take a look at your site and see if it qualified for our technical support based on a few factors like technology used and age, we support almost all modern technologies.



If we’re a good match, we’ll onboard you onto our network, we’ll teach you how to make the most out of your technical support contract and introduce you your technical support expert. We’ll also need some details about your existing domain / host provider.


Ongoing Maintenance

We’ll have another chat with you to work out how much time you’d like us complete basic maintenance on your site. We can help you build a plan that works best for your business.



You’re now free to contact us with any support requests regarding your site! We’ll also be in contact to discuss any issues we’ve found on our end. We aim to keep as clear communication as possible for our ongoing support.

Ready to get started?

Our team are on-hand to answer any queries and guide you through the process of choosing the correct support package. Simply fill out the form using the button below, and we will help you as soon as we can.